Monday, 1 July 2013

Fiction: Summer Project Launch (year two)

                                                                                                                                 Booklist of short stories

An interesting booklist for my new summer project; they are not the normal story books I am use to reading. Our tutor's goal is to open our minds and expand our drawing and thinking abilities so a project like this always has great potential to be really exciting yet I am sure challenging and self-questioning.

I have not read any apart from a few lines of Objects by Gertrude Stein (1914). So, as the spreads it's rays over this week I shall power on through them.

Biography: Duchamp and his Game

Duchamp and his Game

During May was the end of year show for my first year of degree studies where I exhibited this Sculpture as my final piece. It was an interesting project which definitely focused on ideas and concepts as appose to hand drawn illustration or narrative based work. The project began looking at the life of Marcel Duchamp. I played with the idea of his Readymades and chess which took up the majority of his later life. I mainly wanted to have fun with this and incorporate humor just as Duchamp did in his art. By using everyday objects which were just gathered from around the flat, I think viewers approach this piece more easily and are intrigued by objects they are familiar with.