Friday, 28 September 2012

Pak Choi in a Roast Dinner

Latest summer project drawing finished!


From Small Beginnings Come Great Things

'Date of Birth', 21cm x 14.5xm, charcoal drawing 
Another summer project drawing completed!

I wanted to communicate my DOB by drawing the scene of the moment in time when I was born and using elements of time keeping to best describe the date and time.

I decided charcoal was best suited to suggest the sense of past-time and a memory, as well as not haven used this material in a while.

Sadly, I have no scanner as I am now living in London uni halls!!!

Friday, 21 September 2012

Film Night at Student Halls

Watching NausicaƤ of the Valley of the Wind with friends at Camberwell Campus halls in the common room of Sydney Webb House!

This is how to spend a Friday night (as Art students!)
I too am a great admirer of the Studio Ghibli films!  I think we are laughing irregularly as the film's not suppose to be a comedy... Oh, what fun we have! 

Monday, 10 September 2012

In the Summer Where We Spent Those Many Happy Days

In the Summer Where We Spent Those Many Happy Days
A drawing for the summer project! The phrase is 'Place of Birth'.

It was when I was at Hamworthy Park with my grandarents, I saw families and children playing in an amazing public pool surrounded by grass and a brown picket fence. The sun was shinning, the atmosphere was beautifully joyous and it made me think this is what Poole is to me.